DataSHIELD Training Part 3: Assign functions and tables
It is recommended that you familiarise yourself with R first by sitting our Introduction to R tutorial.
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This is the third in a 6-part DataSHIELD tutorial series.
The other parts in this DataSHIELD tutorial series are:
5: Subsetting
6: Modelling
Quick reminder for logging in:
Descriptive statistics: assigning variables
So far all the functions in the tutorial have returned something to the screen. Some functions (assign functions) create new objects in the server-side R session that are required for analysis but do not return an anything to the client screen. For example, in analysis the log values of a variable may be required.
- By default the function
computes the natural logarithm. It is possible to compute a different logarithm by setting the argumentbase
to a different value. There is no output to screen:
ds.log(x='DST$LAB_HDL', datasources = connections)
Aggregated (exists("DST")) [=============================================================] 100% / 0s Aggregated (classDS("DST$LAB_HDL")) [====================================================] 100% / 1s Assigned expr. (log.newobj <- log(DST$LAB_HDL,2.71828182845905)) [=======================] 100% / 0s Aggregated (exists("log.newobj")) [====================================================] 100% / 0s
- In the above example the name of the new object was not specified. By default the name of the new variable is set to the input vector followed by the suffix '_log' (i.e. '
- It is possible to customise the name of the new object by using the
ds.log(x='DST$LAB_HDL', newobj='LAB_HDL_log', datasources = connections)
- The new object is not attached to assigned variables data frame (default name "
"). We can check the size of the new LAB_HDL_log vector we generated above; the command should return the same figure as the number of rows in the data frame 'D'.
ds.length(x='LAB_HDL_log', datasources = connections)
Aggregated (lengthDS("LAB_HDL_log")) [=================================================] 100% / 0s $`length of LAB_HDL_log in study1` [1] 2163 $`length of LAB_HDL_log in study2` [1] 3088 $`total length of LAB_HDL_log in all studies combined` [1] 5251
The ds.assign
function enables the creation of new objects in the server-side R session to be used in later analysis. ds.assign
can be used to evaluate simple expressions passed on to its argument toAssign
and assign the output of the evaluation to a new object.
- Using
we subtract the pooled mean calculated earlier from LAB_HDL (mean centring) and assign the output to a new variable calledLAB_HDL.c
. The function returns no output to the client screen, the newly created variable is stored server-side.
ds.assign(toAssign='DST$LAB_HDL-1.562', newobj='LAB_HDL.c', datasources = connections)
Further DataSHIELD functions can now be run on this new mean-centred variable
. The example below calculates the mean of the new variable
which should be approximately 0.
ds.mean(x='LAB_HDL.c', datasources = connections)
Aggregated (meanDS(LAB_HDL.c)) [=======================================================] 100% / 0s $ EstimatedMean Nmissing Nvalid Ntotal study1 0.007416316 360 1803 2163 study2 -0.005352231 555 2533 3088 $Nstudies [1] 2 $ValidityMessage ValidityMessage study1 "VALID ANALYSIS" study2 "VALID ANALYSIS"
Contingency tables
The function
creates contingency tables of a categorical variables. The default is set to run on pooled data from all studies, to obtain an output of each study set the argument
- The example below calculates a one-dimensional table for the variable
. The function returns the counts and the column and row percent per category, as well as information about the validity of the variable in each study dataset:
Aggregated (asFactorDS1("DST$GENDER")) [=================================================] 100% / 0s Aggregated (tableDS(rvar.transmit = "DST$GENDER", cvar.transmit = NULL, stvar.transmit = NULL, ) ... Data in all studies were valid Study 1 : No errors reported from this study Study 2 : No errors reported from this study $output.list $output.list$ study DST$GENDER 1 2 0 0.4079193 0.5920807 1 0.4160839 0.5839161 $output.list$ study DST$GENDER 1 2 0 0.5048544 0.5132772 1 0.4951456 0.4867228 $output.list$ study DST$GENDER 1 2 0 1092 1585 1 1071 1503 $output.list$TABLES.COMBINED_all.sources_proportions DST$GENDER 0 1 0.51 0.49 $output.list$TABLES.COMBINED_all.sources_counts DST$GENDER 0 1 2677 2574 $validity.message [1] "Data in all studies were valid"
In DataSHIELD tabulated data are flagged as invalid
if one or more cells have a count of between 1 and the minimal cell count allowed by the data providers. For example data providers may only allow cell counts ≥ 3.
The function ds.table also creates two-dimensional contingency tables of a categorical variable. The example below constructs a two-dimensional table comprising cross-tabulation of the variables
(diabetes status) and
ds.table(rvar='DST$DIS_DIAB', cvar='DST$GENDER', datasources = connections)
Aggregated (asFactorDS1("DST$DIS_DIAB")) [===============================================] 100% / 0s Aggregated (asFactorDS1("DST$GENDER")) [=================================================] 100% / 0s Aggregated (tableDS(rvar.transmit = "DST$DIS_DIAB", cvar.transmit = "DST$GENDER", ) [======] 100% / 0s Data in all studies were valid Study 1 : No errors reported from this study Study 2 : No errors reported from this study $output.list $output.list$TABLE.STUDY.1_row.props DST$GENDER DST$DIS_DIAB 0 1 0 0.502 0.498 1 0.700 0.300 $output.list$TABLE.STUDY.1_col.props DST$GENDER DST$DIS_DIAB 0 1 0 0.9810 0.9920 1 0.0192 0.0084 $output.list$TABLE.STUDY.2_row.props DST$GENDER DST$DIS_DIAB 0 1 0 0.511 0.489 1 0.660 0.340 $output.list$TABLE.STUDY.2_col.props DST$GENDER DST$DIS_DIAB 0 1 0 0.9800 0.9890 1 0.0196 0.0106 $output.list$TABLES.COMBINED_all.sources_row.props DST$GENDER DST$DIS_DIAB 0 1 0 0.507 0.493 1 0.675 0.325 $output.list$TABLES.COMBINED_all.sources_col.props DST$GENDER DST$DIS_DIAB 0 1 0 0.9810 0.99000 1 0.0194 0.00971 $output.list$TABLE_STUDY.1_counts DST$GENDER DST$DIS_DIAB 0 1 0 1071 1062 1 21 9 $output.list$TABLE_STUDY.2_counts DST$GENDER DST$DIS_DIAB 0 1 0 1554 1487 1 31 16 $output.list$TABLES.COMBINED_all.sources_counts DST$GENDER DST$DIS_DIAB 0 1 0 2625 2549 1 52 25 $validity.message [1] "Data in all studies were valid"
The function can additionally compute a chi-squared test for homogeneity on (nc-1)*(nr-1) degrees of freedom (where nc is the number of columns and nr is the number of rows):
ds.table(rvar='DST$DIS_DIAB', cvar='DST$GENDER', datasources = connections, report.chisq.tests = TRUE)
Below code omits the first section of output which is an exact duplicate of above, only chisquare reports shown:
$chisq.tests $chisq.tests$chisq.test_TABLE.STUDY.1_counts Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction data: input.array.source.specific X-squared = 3.8767, df = 1, p-value = 0.04896 $chisq.tests$chisq.test_TABLE.STUDY.2_counts Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction data: input.array.source.specific X-squared = 3.5158, df = 1, p-value = 0.06079 $chisq.tests$chisq.test_TABLES.COMBINED_all.sources_counts Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction data: combine.array.all.sources X-squared = 7.9078, df = 1, p-value = 0.004922 $validity.message [1] "Data in all studies were valid"
The other parts in this DataSHIELD tutorial series are:
5: Subsetting
6: Modelling
Also remember you can:
- get a function list for any DataSHIELD package and
- view the manual help page individual functions
- in the DataSHIELD test environment it is possible to print analyses to file (.csv, .txt, .pdf, .png)
- take a look at our FAQ page for solutions to common problems such as Changing variable class to use in a specific DataSHIELD function.
- Get support from our DataSHIELD forum.
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