Versions Compared


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This section will make more sense with an understanding of Generalised Linear Modelling theory and techniques. More information can always be found online, for example this Colorado University publication.

Basic 1-covariate Gaussian GLM

We want to examine the relationship between BMI (a continuous variable) and Triglycerides (another continuous variable). Because the response variable here, BMI, is continuous, this indicates that there should be a Gaussian underlying distribution.


ds.glmSLMA(formula = "D$LAB_TRIG~D$PM_BMI_CONTINUOUS", family="gaussian", newobj = "workshop.obj", datasources = connections)

For the SLMA approach we can assign the predicted values at each study:

Code Block
ds.glmPredict(glmname = "workshop.obj", newobj = "workshop.prediction.obj", datasources = connections)
ds.length("workshop.prediction.obj$fit", datasources=connections)
ds.length("D$LAB_TRIG", datasources=connections)

Filter out the incomplete cases, using "ds.completeCases()" sub-setting command:

Code Block
ds.cbind(c('D$LAB_TRIG', 'D$PM_BMI_CONTINUOUS'), newobj='vars')
ds.completeCases('vars', newobj='vars.complete')

Then plot the resultant data as a best linear fit on a scatter plot:

Code Block
df1 <- ds.scatterPlot('D$PM_BMI_CONTINUOUS', "D$LAB_TRIG", datasources = connections, return.coords = TRUE)
df2 <- ds.scatterPlot('vars.complete$PM_BMI_CONTINUOUS', "workshop.prediction.obj$fit", datasources = connections, return.coords = TRUE)
# then in native R
plot([[1]][[1]])$x,[[1]][[1]])$y, xlab='Body Mass Index', ylab='Triglycerides', main='Study 1')
lines([[1]][[1]])$x,[[1]][[1]])$y, col='red')
plot([[1]][[2]])$x,[[1]][[2]])$y, xlab='Body Mass Index', ylab='Triglycerides', main='Study 2')
lines([[1]][[2]])$x,[[1]][[2]])$y, col='red')
plot([[1]][[3]])$x,[[1]][[3]])$y, xlab='Body Mass Index', ylab='Triglycerides', main='Study 3')
lines([[1]][[3]])$x,[[1]][[3]])$y, col='red')

1-covariate Binomial GLM

Say we want to regress Cholesterol against Diabetes status. This is not as simple a matter as above, where a simple (& familiar!) Gaussian linear model is fitted. The response data takes values of 0 and 1, the binary measure of whether a person does (=1) or doesn't (=0) have the diabetes diagnosis. Because of this, we want a different type of linear model, to make sense.

Here we will use the ds.glmSLMA command as we are about to calculate predicted values again, which only work with the SLMA version of the function. We will only use the 3rd connected study as we are interested in conducting an analysis and producing the graph for that study site alone.

Code Block
ds.glmSLMA(formula = "D$DIS_DIAB~D$LAB_HDL", family="binomial", newobj = "workshop.obj", datasources = connections[3])

So, with this formula, family and new object established, this is the rest of the code:

Code Block
ds.length("workshop.prediction.obj$fit", datasources = connections[3])
ds.length('D$LAB_HDL', datasources = connections[3])
ds.numNA('D$LAB_HDL', datasources = connections[3])
ds.completeCases('D$LAB_HDL', 'hdl.complete', datasources = connections[3])  # FAILED
ds.cbind(c('D$LAB_HDL','D$LAB_HDL'), newobj='D2', datasources = connections[3])
ds.completeCases('D2', 'D2.complete', datasources = connections[3]) #doesnt' fail because input object is dataframe
ds.dim('D2', datasources = connections[3])
ds.dim('D2.complete', datasources = connections[3])

ds.asNumeric('D$DIS_DIAB', newobj='DIAB.n', datasources = connections[3])
df1 <- ds.scatterPlot('D$LAB_HDL', "DIAB.n", datasources = connections[3], return.coords = TRUE)
df2 <- ds.scatterPlot('D2.complete$LAB_HDL', "workshop.prediction.obj$fit", datasources = connections[3], return.coords = TRUE)

plot([[1]][[1]])$x,[[1]][[1]])$y, xlab='LAB_HDL', ylab='DIS_DIAB')

mod <- ds.glm(formula = "D$DIS_DIAB~D$LAB_HDL", family="binomial", datasources = connections[3])

X <- seq(from=-0.5, to=3, by=0.01)
Y <- (exp(mod$coefficients[1,1]+mod$coefficients[2,1]*X))/(1+exp(mod$coefficients[1,1]+mod$coefficients[2,1]*X))

X <- seq(from=-10, to=3, by=0.01)
Y <- (exp(mod$coefficients[1,1]+mod$coefficients[2,1]*X))/(1+exp(mod$coefficients[1,1]+mod$coefficients[2,1]*X))

plot([[1]][[1]])$x,[[1]][[1]])$y, xlab='LAB_HDL', ylab='DIS_DIAB', xlim=c(-10,3))
lines(X,Y, col='red')

Multi-covariate GLM

  • The function ds.glm is used to analyse the outcome variable DIS_DIAB (diabetes status) and the covariates PM_BMI_CONTINUOUS (continuous BMI), LAB_HDL (HDL cholesterol) and GENDER (gender), with an interaction between the latter two. In R this model is represented as:
