Talk | Timestamped Youtube Link |
Andrei Morgan, Welcome AddressWelcome Address. Dr Andrei Morgan, INSERM http://www.xn--epop-inserm-ebb.fr/en/membres-de-lequipe/fiche-individuelle/nom/andrei-morgan | |
Becca Wilson, History of DataSHIELDDr Becca Wilson, University of Liverpool https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/population-health/staff/rebecca-wilson/research/ | |
Mette Hartlev, Ethico-Legal AspectsKeynote and discussion: Ethico-legal aspects of federated analysis in and outside of Europe. Prof Mette Hartlev, University of Copenhagen https://jura.ku.dk/english/staff/research/?pure=en/persons/142173 | |
Paul Burton, introduction to DataSHIELDAn introduction to DataSHIELD. Prof Paul Burton, Newcastle University https://www.ncl.ac.uk/medical-sciences/people/profile/paulburton.html | |
Tanja Šarčević, Wellfort PlatformWellFort: auditable privacy-preserving data analysis platform for SMEs. Tanja Šarčević, SBA Research https://www.sba-research.org/team/tanja-sarcevic/ | |
Hugh Garner, DataSHIELD ICUREHugh Garner, Newcastle University https://www.datashield.org/about/meet-the-team#section-id-1610739995780 | |
Sido Haakma, Armadillo Platform and Molgenis SuiteDataSHIELD integration with the Armadillo Platform and Molgenis Suite. Sido Haakma, University of Groningen https://www.rug.nl/staff/s.haakma/research | |
Johan Vinther, Singletons federated analysis research projectA federated analysis research project using data from 16 cohorts on more than 200,000 live-born singletons. Johan Vinther, University of Copenhagen https://publichealth.ku.dk/staff/?pure=en/persons/428023 | |
Gabriella Melis, Child socio-emotional development studyChild socio-emotional development in 8 birth and pregnancy cohorts. A comparative assessment of prevalence in LifeCycle through DataSHIELD. Dr Gabriella Melis, University of Liverpool https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/population-health/staff/gabriella-melis/ | |
Mariona Pinart, Results from nutritional epidemiology studyDietary macronutrient composition in relation to circulating HDL and non-HDL cholesterol – results from a DataSHIELD analysis in nutritional epidemiology within ENPADASI. Dr. Mariona Pinart, Max Delbrük Centre for Molecular Medicine https://www.mdc-berlin.de/person/dr-mariona-pinart-gilberga | |
Stef van Buuren, Multiple ImputationStrategies in Multiple Imputation for Distributed Data. Stef van Buuren, University of Utrecht (RECAP) https://www.uu.nl/medewerkers/svanbuuren |