Type of test | Short name | Naming convention | Description |
System integrity | _ | test-_- | Tests to be run before tests to ensure overall system integrity |
Mathematically correct | math | test-math- | Verify some mathematical properties hold for a function. This type of tests relies on the TESTING datasets available locally and the testing virtual machines. |
Expected values | expt | test-expt- | Test the outcomes matches some expected values computed by R. This type of tests relies on the TESTING datasets available locally and the testing virtual machines. |
Smoke | smk | test-smk- | Is it invokable without catching fire? |
Smoke expected values | smk_expt | test-smk_expt- | Expected values style smoke tests, often only checking results are repeated. |
Arguments checking | arg | test-arg- | Does it behave as expected when unexpected arguments are passed to functions? |
Disclosure control | disc | test-disc- | Does it adhere to the disclosure control settings? |