Logging onto the Opal management interface

Having opened the training Opal VMs, it is necessary to leave them running for a couple of minutes before trying to login. If you do not wait long enough you will find

  • you may not be given the login window or 
  • after entering username and password the window just hangs

When the training Opal servers are ready the login window appears very rapidly. Once you have entered the user name and password the Opal web interface appears almost immediately. 

DataSHIELD Training EnvironmentDescriptionIP Address
VMsDataSHIELD training Opal on your local machine

CloudDataSHIELD training Opal in the cloudAsk your trainer.

Training EnvironmentDefault UsernameDefault Password

Managing data in Opal

Simulated datasets are provided in the training Opal servers. However, users may wish to conduct analysis on their own simulated data. The instructions on this page will allow you to upload your own simulated data to your training Opal servers. You can split one simulated dataset into two - and upload half the dataset onto one Opal server and the rest on the second server.

Preparing your data for Opal

Opal servers require that a formal data dictionary is specified and uploaded in order that a data set can be properly imported.

Opal accepts various formats but in this tutorial a .csv is used for the data file and Microsoft Excel for the data dictionary file (.xls or .xlsx).  

The data dictionary file

Variable nameDescriptionCategorical
MALEcodes sex

1 = male

0 = female

AGE_YEARSage in decimal years on the day of the clinic
HEIGHTheight age 7 (cm)
HEIGHT_SITsitting height age 7 (cm)
WAISTwaist circumference age 7 (cm)
HIPhip circumference age 7 (cm)
WEIGHTweight age 7 (Kg)
SBPsystolic blood pressure age 7 (top of the blood pressure fluctuation) (mm of Hg)
DPBdiastolic blood pressure age 7 (bottom of the blood pressure fluctuation) (mm of Hg)
PULSEpulse rate age 7 (beats per minute)
BMIBody Mass Index derived as wt/(ht/100)2 The height variable is divided by 100
to express it in metres rather than centimeters

The variables tab

The image below shows the variables tab for the simulated dataset CNSIM used within the Tutorial for DataSHIELD users.

The table below summarises the column names in the variables tab, including examples from the test data built into the training environment in the spreadsheet image above.

Column Names


Default value

Example value in the test data



the table name the variable will be added to


Column A (CNSIM)

This is the table name you refer to in your DataSHIELD login details.

It is critical that the table name appears in every row


the variable name

Column B (e.g. LAB_TSC)

Mandatory field.
Becomes the the column name in Opal for that variable


the value type of the variable


Column C (e.g. decimal, integer)

See further information on variable types and classes


Opal can store data on different entities


Column D (e.g. Participant)

Examples: Participant (each row corresponds to a different participant), Instrument, Area, Drug


if the variable values are entity identifiers, this is the type of the entities that are referenced

Column E

Can be left blank


the mime type of the variable to help applications to display documents

Column F

Examples: image/jpeg, application/excel. Can be left blank


the unit in which variables are expressed

Column G (e.g. Participant)

Examples: cm, kg, ml etc. Can be left blank


repeatable measurements


Column H (0)

1 if repeatable, 0 if not (e.g. Three measures of blood pressure)


name of a repeatable variable group

Column I

Example: [measure value, measure date] is a group of variables that can be repeated. Can be left blank


label of the variable.

Column J

Can be localized by language e.g. label:en in english, label:fr for french)

aliasAlternative name for the variable, usually used for defining a shorter name for the variable
Column K

The categories tab

The image below shows the categories tab for the simulated dataset CNSIM used within the Tutorial for DataSHIELD users.  Each category for each variable is represented by a single row in the spreadsheet.  For example, in the dictionary file below, 3 rows (rows 12-14 inclusive) are for PM_BMI_CATEGORICAL as it has 3 categories.

The table below summarises the column names in the categories tab, including examples from the simulated datasets built into the DataSHIELD training environments in the spreadsheet image above.

Column Names


Default value

Example value in the test data



the table name the variable will be added to


Column A (CNSIM)

This is the table name you refer to in your DataSHIELD login details.

It is critical that the table name appears in every row


the variable name (mandatory field)

Column B (e.g. DIS_CVA)

mandatory field. One row per category for each variable.


the variable category


Column C (e.g. 1)

mandatory field. One row per category for each variable


can be left blank

Column D

Can be left blank


Some categories are interpreted as missing answers (e.g. 'Don't know', 'Prefer not to answer').  


Column E

Use 1 for missing and 0 for not missing (normal answer).


label of the variable category

Column F

Human readable text description of the category. Can be localized by language e.g. label:en in english, label:fr for french)

A competed data dictionary for ALSPACSIM.

The data file

Missing values can not be represented as white space or NA

Uploading your data and data dictionary files to Opal

Data are held in Opal in what is called a table.

  • each row contains the data for one of the primary units of data collection (perhaps most commonly, a participant)
  • each column represents a different variable.

Opal holds all relevant data tables in a project.

Creating a new Opal project

The first step to uploading your data to Opal is to indicate within which project you want to site the new data table. This may either be an existing project or a new one:

Fill in the details of your project:

In DataSHIELD in order to refer uniquely to a table held in Opal you must specify both the Opal project and table names. For example the table EMISS in the SURVSIM Project is referred to as SURVSIM.EMISS in your DataSHIELD login template. In the case of the training data, it happens to be that both the Project and the Table within it are called CNSIM - and so the table is referred to as CNSIM.CNSIM.

Upload data and data dictionary into Opal 

To make data available in Opal, you need to upload the data dictionary (.xls) and the data (.csv) files you have created:

If you want to save the data in a project-specific directory (which is often recommended) then click Projects from the left hand menu and choose the project you will be working in.

You can also create a new folder by navigating to wherever you want the new folder to be (e.g. you may want to navigate to the Project folder and then create a new subfolder within that Project folder). Once you are there click Add Folder (button with blue background on top left) and specify the name of the new folder. 

If, when you have finalised where you want to keep the data, you find that the .xls and/or .csv file already exist in that location, you need to decide whether the pre-existing files are current or whether you need to over-write them with the up-to-date version(s). Rather than making a default assumption about this, Opal explicitly asks you what decision you would like to take.

To upload the data dictionary (.xls file) and the data file (.csv file):

Creating the Opal table: the data dictionary 

Your data dictionary (.xls) and data (.csv) files should now be uploaded into Opal. However, at present they simply exist as stored files, the data cannot be used in Opal until you have converted them into an Opal data table.

The table name must match the first column of the two tabs in the .xls data dictionary file.

Creating the Opal table: the data

As soon as you start typing the table name, Opal will list you all of the valid Opal tables it currently holds, you only have to click on the correct one rather than typing the whole name.
You can use Entity Type: Participant in the data dictionary column D even if, as in some survival models, each row in the data set corresponds to something other than a single participant.

You can navigate the review data table by clicking the green < and > buttons on the header line. If you want to go down or up the file looking for rows below or above what you can see, use the white on grey DVD-like buttons above the table. If you hover the cursor over each button an explanation will appear.

The data (.csv) file now populates the Opal data table which may take several minutes. If it is successful, when you navigate to the table has been saved, you will find Entities is no longer 0, but equal to the number of rows of data that have been imported. 

If the Entities count remains  0, select Dashboard from the top menu and click on the fourth icon (Tasks icon) from the left menu (three green/white horizontal bars). Find the relevant task (it will be a task of Type import). If it has failed the status button will be red and if you click on Log under Actions you may find useful information as to the failure.  

Common reasons for import failure include specifying a table name that is different to that held in the first column of both tabs of the .xls dictionary file.

Your data has now successfully been uploaded into an Opal server. You will need to repeat the process for each Opal server you wish to use.

To start using the DataSHIELD training environment sit our Tutorial for DataSHIELD users using your own data. The tutorial teaches you the basics of DataSHIELD including how to:

  • login
  • run commands to:
    • generate descriptive statistics
    • subset tables and vectors
    • fit some regression models

Assistance with DataSHIELD can be found:

Delete tables from Opal

It is simple to delete a file once it has been uploaded to Opal, you can practice by selecting the alspacsim.csv file (or your own data file) you have just uploaded. 

Archive and export tables from Opal

The .csv is just the data file. The Opal archive file is a .zip file containing the data file (.csv) and the data dictionary for that file all ready formatted to be imported into Opal.

You can also use the Opal API to upload and manage data. See: Importing data into Opal with the API

DataSHIELD Administration

You can manage and update DataSHIELD packages and functions though the Opal Management Interface. 

Install DataSHIELD packages

The following DataSHIELD R packages are installed by default in the DataSHIELD training environments.

Local VMs











To install any of the existing DataSHIELD packages you will first need to remove one or more DataSHIELD packages by clicking the  remove  button adjacent to each package. Confirm the removal by selecting yes 

Functions in dsBetaTest have not been fully audited for non-disclosure. They are functions that have been newly developed but not fully tested. Following testing, functions in dsBetaTest will be released in one of the standard DataSHIELD packages.

By installing packages from a Git reference it is possible to roll back to a previous version of a DataSHIELD. If you are a DataSHIELD developer, it is possible to install development branches in this way.

To install all the DataSHIELD packages, click on the button  Add Package and select install all DataSHIELD packages . Click Install

Update all DataSHIELD server side packages

Setting DataSHIELD privacy levels 

DataSHIELD privacy levels are set in Opal and correspond to the minimum cell count for calculations. By default the DataSHIELD privacy level is set to 5, returning no results if data from <5 participants has been used for the calculation as the result may potentially be disclosive. 

DataSHIELD privacy level is applied to all tables held on the Opal.

# 1. build your login in data frame.  
server <- c("name-of-server", "name-of-server")
url <- c("http://XXX.XXX.X.XXX:8080", "http://XXX.XXX.X.XXX:8080")
user <- "administrator" 
password <- "datashield_test&"
table <- c("CNSIM.CNSIM1","CNSIM.CNSIM2")
my_logindata <- data.frame(server,url,user,password,table)

# 2. Load the DataSHIELD Client Libraries

# 3. Login to DataSHIELD
opals <- datashield.login(logins=my_logindata,assign=TRUE)

# 1. build your login in data frame.  
server <- c("name-of-server", "name-of-server")
url <- c("http://XXX.XXX.X.XXX:8080", "http://XXX.XXX.X.XXX:8080")
user <- "administrator" 
password <- "datashield_test&"
table <- c("CNSIM.CNSIM1","CNSIM.CNSIM2")
my_logindata <- data.frame(server,url,user,password,table)

# 2. Load the DataSHIELD Client Libraries

# 3. Login to DataSHIELD
opals <- datashield.login(logins=my_logindata,assign=TRUE)

The DataSHIELD privacy level is applied to all tables held on the Opal. Should a study belong to multiple consortia requiring different privacy levels, it is recommended the data tables be held in a separate Opal instance.

Where to get support

DataSHIELD news and support is available by the DataSHIELD community in the DataSHIELD forum. Tailored support and training in DataSHIELD is provided on a fee basis, please email us with your enquiry.

Opal is supported by the software creators at Obiba. Opal support is available on the Obiba-users mailing list, where support questions can be posted for free. Opal general enquiries can be sent to info@obiba.org.