List of all DataSHIELD functions v6.1

Table of Contents

 Click for Table of Contents


We are currently looking at reworking the list of functions to make them easier to use, and to find which ones you would find useful. If there is interest, we could add tags to functions so that you only load functions with certain tags like "beginners", "aggregate only" etc. To register interest in this, please email .

A similar (albeit unsorted) list is kept at , which is updated as soon as any new version of DataSHIELD gets published.

Key: pink = new to this release

Data Preparation functions (generally of type "Assign")

Coercing functions

Variable manipulation functions

Data Frame/List manipulation functions

Administrative functions

Data Analysis functions (generally of type "Aggregate")

Data structure queries

Summary Statistics Functions

Matrices Functions

Table functions

Survival Analysis functions

Distribution Generating functions

Modelling Functions

Data Presentation functions

Plotting functions

Deprecated functions

These functions in the left hand column of the below tableshouldn't be used, as a rule. There is information contained within the help for each of them detailing which function you should use instead, that does all of what the deprecated function did do, and more!

Deprecated functionReplacement function









Generating the list of available functions yourself


can now be used to generate PDF version of the R manual pages.

Once you have loaded the DataSHIELD packages, you can find a list of all functions within a DataSHIELD package using the ls command in R/RStudio.


The output below is for the dsBaseClient but can be substituted for any DataSHIELD package:

> ls("package:dsBaseClient")
 [1] "ds.asCharacter"             "ds.asDataMatrix"            "ds.asFactor"                "ds.asInteger"               "ds.asList"                 
 [6] "ds.asLogical"               "ds.asMatrix"                "ds.asNumeric"               "ds.assign"                  "ds.Boole"                  
[11] "ds.c"                       "ds.cbind"                   "ds.changeRefGroup"          "ds.class"                   "ds.colnames"               
[16] "ds.completeCases"           "ds.contourPlot"             "ds.cor"                     "ds.corTest"                 "ds.cov"                    
[21] "ds.dataFrame"               "ds.dataFrameFill"           "ds.dataFrameSort"           "ds.dataFrameSubset"         "ds.densityGrid"            
[26] "ds.dim"                     "ds.exists"                  "ds.exp"                     "ds.glm"                     "ds.glmerSLMA"              
[31] "ds.glmSLMA"                 "ds.heatmapPlot"             "ds.histogram"               "ds.isNA"                    "ds.isValid"                
[36] "ds.length"                  "ds.levels"                  "ds.lexis"                   "ds.list"                    "ds.listClientsideFunctions"
[41] "ds.listDisclosureSettings"  "ds.listOpals"               "ds.listServersideFunctions" "ds.lmerSLMA"                "ds.log"                    
[46] "ds.look"                    ""                      "ds.make"                    "ds.matrix"                  "ds.matrixDet"              
[51] ""        "ds.matrixDiag"              "ds.matrixDimnames"          "ds.matrixInvert"            "ds.matrixMult"             
[56] "ds.matrixTranspose"         "ds.mean"                    "ds.meanByClass"             "ds.meanSdGp"                "ds.merge"                  
[61] "ds.message"                 "ds.names"                   "ds.numNA"                   "ds.quantileMean"            "ds.rbind"                  
[66] "ds.rBinom"                  "ds.recodeLevels"            "ds.recodeValues"            "ds.rep"                     "ds.replaceNA"              
[71] "ds.reShape"                 "ds.rm"                      "ds.rNorm"                   "ds.rowColCalc"              "ds.rPois"                  
[76] "ds.rUnif"                   "ds.sample"                  "ds.scatterPlot"             "ds.seq"                     "ds.setDefaultOpals"        
[81] "ds.setSeed"                 "ds.subset"                  "ds.subsetByClass"           "ds.summary"                 "ds.table"                  
[86] "ds.table1D"                 "ds.table2D"                 "ds.tapply"                  "ds.tapply.assign"           "ds.testObjExists"          
[91] "ds.unList"                  "ds.var"                     "ds.vectorCalc"             

DataSHIELD Wiki by DataSHIELD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at

Becca Wilson
March 5, 2021

For some reason I can only edit but not add comments to a page. Must be a bug. IN the section below you link to a wiki page that is only accessible to administrators and not the public. Please can you set the permissions on this page so they are visible. See: /wiki/spaces/DSDEV/pages/12943456

Becca Wilson
March 5, 2021

Also a request to link each function to an html R manual page if the pdf manuals are not available or downloadable by users

Alex Westerberg (Unlicensed)
March 5, 2021

Hi Becca, firstly i think the comments thing is a new, weird confluence thing where comments now have to be in-line? Not that i fully understand it.
Anyway thanks v much for flagging this up! There deifnitely shouldn’t have been a link to an archived page that users couldn’t access, that was an oversight on my part. However the target of the link was a page about client- and server-side packages relevant to DS v4.0, last updated august 2015, which seems wrong. Instead I have updated the tip box to show how to generate the manual yourself (instead of linking through to another page, i can’t even find the relevant one!)

As to your second point about linking from each function- working on that now