DataSHIELD functions in v5
DataSHIELD functions in v5
The tables below outline all of the functions in DataSHIELD (i.e. in the base, betaTest, graphics, modelling and stats packages), and what their status will be in the v5 release. In summary we are:
- Moving everything from the graphics, modelling and stats packages into the base packages.
- Where an existing function has been updated with a new function in the betaTest packages it is probably* being moved to the base packages where it will replace the v4 function.
- Where a new function has been developed in the betaTest packages it is probably* being moved to the base packages.
- Where there are duplicates after this (e.g. where the same helper functions exist in multiple packages) we keep one of them.
- *There are a couple of functions in betaTest we are not planning on releasing in v5, these will remain in the betaTest packages and continue to be developed & tested.
Server side functions
Function Name | Package | In v5 | Release Plan | Notes | |
1 | asFactorDS.R | dsBase | N | Delete | |
2 | asListDS.R | dsBase | N | Replace with dsBetaTest asListDS.o.R | |
3 | asMatrixDS.R | dsBase | N | Replace with dsBetaTest asMatrixDS.o.R | |
4 | cDS.R | dsBase | Y | Keep as is | |
5 | changeRefGroupDS.R | dsBase | Y | Keep as is | |
6 | dataframeDS.R | dsBase | N | Replace with dsBetaTest dataframeDS.o.R | |
7 | extract.R | dsBase | Y | Keep as is | |
8 | isNaDS.R | dsBase | Y | Keep as is | |
9 | isValidDS.R | dsBase | Y | Keep as is | |
10 | listDS.R | dsBase | Y | Keep as is | |
11 | meanDS.R | dsBase | N | Replace with dsBetaTest meanDS.o.R | |
12 | namesDS.R | dsBase | Y | Keep as is | |
13 | numNaDS.R | dsBase | Y | Keep as is | |
14 | quantileMeanDS.R | dsBase | Y | Keep as is | |
15 | recodeLevelsDS.R | dsBase | Y | Keep as is | |
16 | replaceNaDS.R | dsBase | Y | Keep as is | |
17 | rowColCalcDS.R | dsBase | Y | Keep as is | |
18 | setFilterDS.R | dsBase | |||
19 | subsetByClassDS.R | dsBase | Y | Keep as is | |
20 | subsetByClassHelper1.R | dsBase | Y | Keep as is | |
21 | subsetByClassHelper2.R | dsBase | Y | Keep as is | |
22 | subsetByClassHelper3.R | dsBase | Y | Keep as is | |
23 | subsetDS.R | dsBase | Y | Keep as is | |
24 | table1dDS.R | dsBase | Y | Keep as is | |
25 | table2dDS.R | dsBase | N | Replace with dsBetaTest table2dDS.o.R | |
26 | varDS.R | dsBase | N | Replace with dsBetaTest varDS.o.R | |
27 | BooleDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
28 | asCharacterDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
29 | asDataMatrix.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
30 | asFactorDS1.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
31 | asFactorDS2.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
32 | asIntegerDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
33 | asListDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
34 | asLogicalDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
35 | asMatrixDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
36 | asNumericDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
37 | cbindDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
38 | covDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
39 | dataFrameDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
40 | dataFrameSortDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
41 | dataFrameSubsetDS1.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
42 | dataFrameSubsetDS2.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
43 | dimDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
44 | glmDS1.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
45 | glmDS2.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
46 | glmSLMADS2.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
47 | histogramDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
48 | lengthDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
49 | lexisDS1.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
50 | lexisDS2.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
51 | lexisDS3.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
52 | listDisclosureSettingsDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
53 | matrixDS.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
54 | matrixDetDS1.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
55 | matrixDetDS2.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
56 | matrixDiagDS.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
57 | matrixDimnamesDS.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
58 | matrixInvertDS.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
59 | matrixMultDS.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
60 | matrixTransposeDS.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
61 | meanDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
62 | meanSdGpDS.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
63 | mergeDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
64 | messageDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
65 | rBinomDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
66 | rNormDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
67 | rPoisDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
68 | rUnifDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
69 | rbindDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
70 | reShapeDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
71 | recodeValuesDS1.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
72 | recodeValuesDS2.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
73 | rilmDS.b.R | dsBetaTest | N | Not ready for this release | |
74 | rmDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
75 | scatterPlotDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
76 | seqDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
77 | setSeedDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
78 | tTestFDS2.R | dsBetaTest | N | Not ready for this release | |
79 | table2dDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
80 | tapplyDS.assign.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
81 | tapplyDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
82 | testObjExistsDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
83 | unListDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
84 | varDS.o.R | dsBetaTest | Y | Move to dsBase | |
85 | corDS.R | dsStats | Y | Move to dsBase | |
86 | covDS.R | dsStats | N | Replace with dsBetaTest covDS.o.R | |
87 | extract.R | dsStats | N | Delete | Identical to dsBase version |
88 | isValidDS.R | dsStats | N | Delete | Identical to dsBase version |
89 | setFilterDS.R | dsStats | setFilter in dsBase may not always guarantee a numeric value whereas in dsStats and dsGraphics it returns a numeric value. | ||
90 | varDS.R | dsStats | N | Delete | Identical to dsBase version |
91 | alphaPhiDS.R | dsModelling | Y | Move to dsBase | |
92 | checkNegValuesDS.R | dsModelling | Y | Move to dsBase | |
93 | glmDS1.R | dsModelling | N | Replace with dsBetaTest glmDS1.o.R | |
94 | glmDS2.R | dsModelling | N | Replace with dsBetaTest glmDS2.o.r | |
95 | lexisDS.R | dsModelling | N | Delete | |
96 | lexishelper1.R | dsModelling | N | Delete | |
97 | lexishelper2.R | dsModelling | N | Delete | |
98 | scoreVectDS.R | dsModelling | Y | Move to dsBase | |
99 | densityGridDS.R | dsGraphics | Y | Move to dsBase | |
100 | extract.R | dsGraphics | N | Delete | Identical to dsBase version |
101 | histogramDS.R | dsGraphics | N | Replace with dsBetaTest histogramDS.o.R | |
102 | rangeDS.R | dsGraphics | Y | Move to dsBase | |
103 | setFilterDS.R | dsGraphics | setFilter in dsBase may not always guarantee a numeric value whereas in dsStats and dsGraphics it returns a numeric value. |
Client side functions
Function Name | Package | In v5 | Release Plan | Notes | |
1 | checkClass.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
2 | colPercent.R | dsBaseClient | N | Replace with dsBetaTestClient colPercent.R | |
3 | ds.asCharacter.R | dsBaseClient | N | Replace with dsBetaTestClient ds.asCharacter.o.R | |
4 | ds.asFactor.R | dsBaseClient | N | Replace with dsBetaTestClient ds.asFactor.o.R | |
5 | ds.asList.R | dsBaseClient | N | Replace with dsBetaTestClient ds.asList.o.R | |
6 | ds.asMatrix.R | dsBaseClient | N | Replace with dsBetaTestClient ds.asMatrix.o.R | |
7 | ds.asNumeric.R | dsBaseClient | N | Replace with dsBetaTestClient ds.asNumeric.o.R | |
8 | ds.assign.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
9 | ds.c.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
10 | ds.cbind.R | dsBaseClient | N | Replace with dsBetaTestClient ds.cbind.o.R | |
11 | ds.changeRefGroup.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
12 | ds.class.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
13 | ds.colnames.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
14 | ds.dataframe.R | dsBaseClient | N | Replace with dsBetaTestClient ds.dataframe.o.R | |
15 | ds.dim.R | dsBaseClient | N | Replace with dsBetaTestClient ds.dim.o.R | |
16 | ds.exists.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
17 | ds.exp.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
18 | ds.isNA.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
19 | ds.isValid.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
20 | ds.length.R | dsBaseClient | N | Replace with dsBetaTestClient ds.length.o.R | |
21 | ds.levels.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
22 | ds.list.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
23 | ds.log.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
24 | ds.ls.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
25 | ds.mean.R | dsBaseClient | N | Replace with dsBetaTestClient ds.mean.o.R | |
26 | ds.meanByClass.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
27 | ds.names.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
28 | ds.numNA.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
29 | ds.quantileMean.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
30 | ds.recodeLevels.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
31 | ds.replaceNA.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
32 | ds.rowColCalc.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
33 | ds.subset.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
34 | ds.subsetByClass.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
35 | ds.summary.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
36 | ds.table1D.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
37 | ds.table2D.R | dsBaseClient | N | Replace with dsBetaTestClient ds.table.2D.o.R | |
38 | ds.vectorCalc.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
39 | extract.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
40 | findLoginObjects.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
41 | getOpals.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
42 | getPooledMean.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | dsBaseClient & dsBetaTestClient have the same source code. dsStatsClient does not use completeLength variable and instead just takes the length.total and sum.weighted variables to return mean.global. |
43 | getPooledVar.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | dsBaseClient & dsBetaTestClient have the same source code. dsStatsClient does not use completeLength variable and instead just takes the length.total and sum.weighted variables to return var.global. |
44 | isAssigned.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
45 | isDefined.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
46 | logical2int.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
47 | meanByClassHelper0a.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
48 | meanByClassHelper0b.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
49 | meanByClassHelper1.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
50 | meanByClassHelper2.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
51 | meanByClassHelper3.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
52 | meanByClassHelper4.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
53 | rowPercent.R | dsBaseClient | N | Replace with dsBetaTestClient rowPercent.R | |
54 | subsetHelper.R | dsBaseClient | Y | Keep as is | |
55 | checkClass.R | dsBetaTestClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
56 | colPercent.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | Difference in details required by the client function |
57 | ds.Boole.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
58 | ds.asCharacter.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
59 | ds.asDataMatrix.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
60 | ds.asFactor.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
61 | ds.asInteger.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
62 | ds.asList.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
63 | ds.asLogical.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
64 | ds.asMatrix.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
65 | ds.asNumeric.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
66 | ds.cbind.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
67 | ds.cor.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
68 | ds.cov.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
69 | ds.dataFrame.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | Renamed to "ds.dataframe.R" |
70 | ds.dataFrameSort.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | Renamed to "ds.dataframeSort.R" ? |
71 | ds.dataFrameSubset.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | Renamed to "ds.dataframeSubset.R" ? |
72 | ds.dim.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
73 | ds.glm.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
74 | ds.glmSLMA.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
75 | ds.histogram.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
76 | ds.length.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
77 | ds.lexis.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
78 | ds.listClientsideFunctions.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
79 | ds.listDisclosureSettings.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
80 | ds.listOpals.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
81 | ds.listServersideFunctions.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
82 | ds.look.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
83 | ds.make.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
84 | ds.matrix.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
85 | ds.matrixDet.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
86 | dsmatrixDet.report.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
87 | ds.matrixDiag.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
88 | ds.matrixDimnames.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
89 | ds.matrixInvert.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
90 | ds.matrixMult.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
91 | ds.matrixTranspose.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
92 | ds.mean.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
93 | ds.meanSdGp.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
94 | ds.merge.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
95 | ds.message.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
96 | ds.rBinom.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
97 | ds.rNorm.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
98 | ds.rPois.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
99 | ds.rUnif.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
100 | ds.rbind.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
101 | ds.reShape.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
102 | ds.recodeValues.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
103 | ds.rilm.b.R | dsBetaTestClient | N | Not ready for this release | |
104 | ds.rm.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
105 | ds.scatterPlot.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
106 | ds.seq.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
107 | ds.setDefaultOpals.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
108 | ds.setSeed.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
109 | ds.tTestF.R | dsBetaTestClient | N | Not ready for this release | |
110 | ds.table2D.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
111 | ds.tapply.assign.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
112 | ds.tapply.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
113 | ds.testObjExists.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
114 | ds.unList.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
115 | ds.var.o.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
116 | extract.R | dsBetaTestClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
117 | findLoginObjects.R | dsBetaTestClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
118 | getOpals.R | dsBetaTestClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
119 | getPooledMean.R | dsBetaTestClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
120 | getPooledVar.R | dsBetaTestClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
121 | glmChecks.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
122 | isAssigned.R | dsBetaTestClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
123 | isDefined.R | dsBetaTestClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
124 | logical2int.R | dsBetaTestClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
125 | rowPercent.R | dsBetaTestClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | Difference in documentation and author |
126 | subsetHelper.R | dsBetaTestClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
127 | tTestHelper1.R | dsBetaTestClient | N | Not ready for this release | |
128 | tTestHelper2.R | dsBetaTestClient | N | Not ready for this release | |
129 | checkClass.R | dsStatsClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
130 | ds.cor.R | dsStatsClient | N | Replace with dsBetaTestClient ds.cor.o.R | |
131 | ds.corTest.R | dsStatsClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
132 | ds.cov.R | dsStatsClient | N | Replace wtih dsBetaTestClient ds.cov.o.R | |
133 | ds.tTest.R | dsStatsClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
134 | ds.var.R | dsStatsClient | N | Replace with dsBetaTestClient ds.var.o.R | |
135 | extract.R | dsStatsClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
136 | findLoginObjects.R | dsStatsClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
137 | getOpals.R | dsStatsClient | N | Delete | The function has been extended to support the global environment used by datashield calls and the test environment used by test_that. It has been refactored with some helper function for clarity. |
138 | getPooledMean.R | dsStatsClient | N | Delete | Not called anywhere, looks like old buggy version. |
139 | getPooledVar.R | dsStatsClient | N | Delete | Not called anywhere, looks like old buggy version. |
140 | isAssigned.R | dsStatsClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
141 | isDefined.R | dsStatsClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
142 | logical2int.R | dsStatsClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
143 | tTestHelper1.R | dsStatsClient | N | Not ready for this release | Call to server changed, differences in: length.local, mean.local, var.local, null.y, length.local.y, pval, cint, results (from BetaTestClient) |
144 | tTestHelper2.R | dsStatsClient | N | Not ready for this release | Differences in levels_all, formula, study.summary, pval.vect.final, ci.mult (compared to dsBetaTestClient) |
145 | checkClass.R | dsModellingClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
146 | ds.gee.R | dsModellingClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
147 | ds.glm.R | dsModellingClient | N | Replace with dsBetaTestClient ds.glm.o.R | |
148 | ds.lexis.R | dsModellingClient | N | Delete | |
149 | extract.R | dsModellingClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
150 | findLoginObjects.R | dsModellingClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
151 | geeChecks.R | dsModellingClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
152 | geehelper1.R | dsModellingClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
153 | geehelper2.R | dsModellingClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
154 | getOpals.R | dsModellingClient | N | Delete | The function has been extended to support the global environment used by datashield calls and the test environment used by test_that. It has been refactored with some helper function for clarity. |
155 | glmChecks.R | dsModellingClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBetaTestClient version |
156 | isAssigned.R | dsModellingClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
157 | isDefined.R | dsModellingClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
158 | lexisHelper1.R | dsModellingClient | N | Delete | |
159 | logical2int.R | dsModellingClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
160 | checkClass.R | dsGraphicsClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
161 | ds.contourPlot.R | dsGraphicsClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
162 | ds.densityGrid.R | dsGraphicsClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
163 | ds.heatmapPlot.R | dsGraphicsClient | Y | Move to dsBaseClient | |
164 | ds.histogram.R | dsGraphicsClient | N | Replace with dsBetaTestClient ds.histogram.o.R | |
165 | extract.R | dsGraphicsClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
166 | findLoginObjects.R | dsGraphicsClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
167 | getOpals.R | dsGraphicsClient | N | Delete | The function has been extended to support the global environment used by datashield calls and the test environment used by test_that. It has been refactored with some helper function for clarity. |
168 | isAssigned.R | dsGraphicsClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
169 | isDefined.R | dsGraphicsClient | N | Delete | Identical to dsBaseClient version |
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