Function help from the manual v5

Function help from the manual v5

Once you have loaded the DataSHIELD packages, information about individual functions can be found on the function manual page including:

  • description: what the function does
  • usage: shows the syntax of the function including all arguments - this is a generalised form of how you would use the function
  • arguments: of the function. These are all the things you can customise in the function
  • details and values: give some additional information about the function
  • examples: of how the function is run. You will be able to copy and paste these examples into R/RStudio to run yourself

You can access the help page of a function in a number of ways:

Opening help files in R

To open up the help page within R/RStudio:

> help(insert_function_name)
# an example for ds.histogram
> help(ds.histogram)

an equivalent command is to use the help operator ?:

> ?(ds.histogram)

Opening up help webpages

To open up the function help page in a webpage:

> options(help_type="html")
> help(ds.histogram)
# alternatively use
> ?(ds.histogram)

An example function help webpage for ds.histogram is given below.

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