List of functions in DataSHIELD v5 (As of September 2019)

List of functions in DataSHIELD v5 (As of September 2019)

See: /wiki/spaces/DSDEV/pages/12943456 for a list of all package manuals (pdf format) containing a list of all functions in our current DataSHIELD release.

Once you have loaded the DataSHIELD packages, you can find a list of all functions within a DataSHIELD package using the ls command in R/RStudio.


The output below is for the dsBaseClient but can be substituted for any DataSHIELD package:

> ls("package:dsBaseClient")
 [1] "ds.asCharacter"             "ds.asDataMatrix"            "ds.asFactor"               
 [4] "ds.asInteger"               "ds.asList"                  "ds.asLogical"              
 [7] "ds.asMatrix"                "ds.asNumeric"               "ds.assign"                 
[10] "ds.Boole"                   "ds.c"                       "ds.cbind"                  
[13] "ds.changeRefGroup"          "ds.class"                   "ds.colnames"               
[16] "ds.contourPlot"             "ds.cor"                     "ds.corTest"                
[19] "ds.cov"                     "ds.dataFrame"               "ds.dataFrameSort"          
[22] "ds.dataFrameSubset"         "ds.densityGrid"             "ds.dim"                    
[25] "ds.exists"                  "ds.exp"                     "ds.gee"                    
[28] "ds.glm"                     "ds.glmSLMA"                 "ds.heatmapPlot"            
[31] "ds.histogram"               "ds.isNA"                    "ds.isValid"                
[34] "ds.length"                  "ds.levels"                  "ds.lexis"                  
[37] "ds.list"                    "ds.listClientsideFunctions" "ds.listDisclosureSettings" 
[40] "ds.listOpals"               "ds.listServersideFunctions" "ds.log"                    
[43] "ds.look"                    "ds.ls"                      "ds.make"                   
[46] "ds.matrix"                  "ds.matrixDet"               "ds.matrixDet.report"       
[49] "ds.matrixDiag"              "ds.matrixDimnames"          "ds.matrixInvert"           
[52] "ds.matrixMult"              "ds.matrixTranspose"         "ds.mean"                   
[55] "ds.meanByClass"             "ds.meanSdGp"                "ds.merge"                  
[58] "ds.message"                 "ds.names"                   "ds.numNA"                  
[61] "ds.quantileMean"            "ds.rbind"                   "ds.rBinom"                 
[64] "ds.recodeLevels"            "ds.recodeValues"            "ds.replaceNA"              
[67] "ds.reShape"                 "ds.rm"                      "ds.rNorm"                  
[70] "ds.rowColCalc"              "ds.rPois"                   "ds.rUnif"                  
[73] "ds.scatterPlot"             "ds.seq"                     "ds.setDefaultOpals"        
[76] "ds.setSeed"                 "ds.subset"                  "ds.subsetByClass"          
[79] "ds.summary"                 "ds.table1D"                 "ds.table2D"                
[82] "ds.tapply"                  "ds.tapply.assign"           "ds.testObjExists"          
[85] "ds.unList"                  "ds.var"                     "ds.vectorCalc"              

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