The following instructions work in the DataSHIELD test environment only.

Write a table to .csv

# output to the R console
> ds.table2D(x='D$DIS_DIAB', y='D$GENDER')
# prints to the current working directory into a file called test_table.csv
> write.csv(x=ds.table2D(x='D$DIS_DIAB', y='D$GENDER'), file = "test_table.csv") 

Write an image to .png, .pdf, .ps

In R it is possible to print sequential images on sequential pages.

# a png example
png(filename = "image_name.png", width = 900, height = 700, units = "px", pointsize = 12,  bg = "white", type = "cairo")
# a pdf example
pdf(file = "image_name.pdf")
ds.histogram(x='D$LAB_HDL', type='split')

# a postscript example
postscript(file = "", paper = "special", width = 9, height = 7, onefile = TRUE, horizontal = FALSE)
ds.histogram(x='D$LAB_HDL', type='split')

Write the R console screen to file

In some cases the non-disclosive data used to create an image may be required, this can be printed to file using the capture.output R function:

# print to file the non-disclosive data that comprises a histogram
out <- capture.output(ds.histogram(x='D$LAB_HDL'))
cat(out, file="name.txt", sep="\n", append=TRUE)

All arguments to customise the above functions can be found in their respective function manual pages.