DataSHIELD Conference 2021

DataSHIELD Conference 2021

In this space you will see details and recordings of the 2021 DataSHIELD conference

Recordings of talks

Day 1


Timestamped Youtube Link


Timestamped Youtube Link

Andrei Morgan, Welcome Address

Welcome Address. Dr Andrei Morgan, INSERM

Andrei Morgan - EPOPé


Becca Wilson, History of DataSHIELD

Dr Becca Wilson, University of Liverpool https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/population-health/staff/rebecca-wilson/research/


Mette Hartlev, Ethico-Legal Aspects

Keynote and discussion: Ethico-legal aspects of federated analysis in and outside of Europe. Prof Mette Hartlev, University of Copenhagen https://jura.ku.dk/english/staff/research/?pure=en/persons/142173


Paul Burton, introduction to DataSHIELD

An introduction to DataSHIELD. Prof Paul Burton, Newcastle University https://www.ncl.ac.uk/medical-sciences/people/profile/paulburton.html

DataSHIELD Conference 2021 - Day 1, Session 3

Tanja Šarčević, Wellfort Platform

WellFort: auditable privacy-preserving data analysis platform for SMEs. Tanja Šarčević, SBA Research https://www.sba-research.org/team/tanja-sarcevic/

DataSHIELD Conference 2021 - Day 1, Session 3

Hugh Garner, DataSHIELD ICURE

Hugh Garner, Newcastle University https://www.datashield.org/about/meet-the-team#section-id-1610739995780


Sido Haakma, Armadillo Platform and Molgenis Suite

DataSHIELD integration with the Armadillo Platform and Molgenis Suite. Sido Haakma, University of Groningen https://www.rug.nl/staff/s.haakma/research


Johan Vinther, Singletons federated analysis research project

A federated analysis research project using data from 16 cohorts on more than 200,000 live-born singletons. Johan Vinther, University of Copenhagen https://publichealth.ku.dk/staff/?pure=en/persons/428023


Gabriella Melis, Child socio-emotional development study

Child socio-emotional development in 8 birth and pregnancy cohorts. A comparative assessment of prevalence in LifeCycle through DataSHIELD. Dr Gabriella Melis, University of Liverpool https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/population-health/staff/gabriella-melis/


Mariona Pinart, Results from nutritional epidemiology study

Dietary macronutrient composition in relation to circulating HDL and non-HDL cholesterol – results from a DataSHIELD analysis in nutritional epidemiology within ENPADASI. Dr. Mariona Pinart, Max Delbrük Centre for Molecular Medicine https://www.mdc-berlin.de/person/dr-mariona-pinart-gilberga


Stef van Buuren, Multiple Imputation

Strategies in Multiple Imputation for Distributed Data. Stef van Buuren, University of Utrecht (RECAP) https://www.uu.nl/medewerkers/svanbuuren


Day 2





Harald Binder, Keynote: MIRACUM

Keynote: MIRACUM — DataSHIELD and machine learning in biomedical research. Prof Harald Binder, University of Freiburg https://www.med.uni-freiburg.de/en/faculty/our-professors-1/binder-en


Artur Rocha, RECAP-Preterm - CORAL deployment

RECAP-Preterm - CORAL deployment of DataSHIELD, Artur Rocha, INESC TEC https://www.inesctec.pt/en/people/artur-rocha#additional_information


Florian Schwarz, Creating new DataSHIELD package

Lightning Talk: Some DataSHIELD error occurred – creating a new DataSHIELD package. Dr. Florian Schwarz, German Institute of Human Nutrition https://www.dife.de/en/research/molecular-epidemiology/team/florian-schwarz/


Demetris Avraam, dsMediation Package

Lightning Talk: The dsMediation DataSHIELD Package. Dr. Demetris Avraam, Newcastle University https://www.ncl.ac.uk/medical-sciences/people/profile/demetrisavraam.html


Alex Westerberg, Where to find DataSHIELD help

Lightning Talk: DataSHIELD Training Sessions. Alex Westerberg, Newcastle University https://www.ncl.ac.uk/medical-sciences/people/profile/alexwesterberg.html


Andrei Morgan, Advisory Board report

A report from the DataSHIELD Advisory Board, Dr Andrei Morgan, INSERM http://www.xn--epop-inserm-ebb.fr/en/membres-de-lequipe/fiche-individuelle/nom/andrei-morgan

The governance workshop invite link https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/datashield-community-governance-worshop-tickets-208582023447


Alex Westerberg & Stuart Wheater, Changes in v6.1 & v6.2

Recent Changes to DataSHIELD: v6.1 and the upcoming v6.2, Alex Westerberg, Newcastle University and Stuart Wheater, Arjuna https://www.ncl.ac.uk/medical-sciences/people/profile/alexwesterberg.html https://www.ncl.ac.uk/computing/staff/profile/stuartwheater.html


Yannick Marcon, DS infrastructure updates

DataSHIELD infrastructure updates and upcoming developments. Yannick Marcon, Epigeny https://www.epigeny.io/


Juan Ramón González, GWAS meta analysis in multi-cohort studies

Orchestrating GWAS meta analysis in multi-cohort studies through dsOmics DataSHIELD package. Prof Juan Ramón González, ISGlobal https://www.isglobal.org/en/our-team/-/profiles/18510


Xavier Escriba Montagut, Shiny App for DataSHIELD

ShinyDataSHIELD: An R Shiny application to perform federated non-disclosive data analysis in multi-cohort studies. Xavier Escribà, ISGlobal https://www.isglobal.org/en/our-team/-/profiles/25301 See more at: https://isglobal-brge.github.io/ShinyDataSHIELD_bookdown/ https://isglobal-brge.github.io/ShinyDataSHIELD_bookdown/developers-guide.html The slides can be found here: https://github.com/ESCRI11/Presentation_DSConference_2021 The source code for the tool , here: https://github.com/isglobal-brge/ShinydataSHIELD


Mariona Pinart, Microbiome Composition study

Lightning Talk: Investigating differences in the microbiome composition in obese and non-obese individuals and its relationship to diet using DataSHIELD. Dr. Mariona Pinart, Max Delbrük Centre for Molecular Medicine https://www.mdc-berlin.de/person/dr-mariona-pinart-gilberga


Leire Abarrategui, Epimutations in rare diseases

Lightning Talk: Performance of approaches relying on outliers detection to find epimutations in rare diseases DNA methylation data, Leire Abarrategui Martinez, Newcastle Unviversity https://www.ncl.ac.uk/medical-sciences/people/profile/leireabarrategui-martinez.html



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