DataSHIELD Nagios Overview

DataSHIELD Nagios Overview

Nagios runs passive checks - the checks are run by the study server and the status is pushed via REST to the DataSHIELD nagios server at the University of Bristol. The process is outlined in the above diagram and briefly below:

  • The study sets up a cron job to run the check scripts that the DataSHIELD team has provided.
  • The send_nrdp script then send the status of the checks (.xml file) to the DataSHIELD nagios server. 
  • The DataSHIELD nagios server processes these and can be set up to do the following:
    • display a traffic light status of each check on a consortium nagios page (green - ok, orange - warning, red - critical).
    • initiate email messages to be sent to study server administrators when set thresholds and limits are reached.

Status of this work

  • Scripts and infrastructure for Ubuntu and Centos OS are completed.
  • Currently writing puppet scripts for easier install by data providers 
  • Documentation is to set up nagios client (at study) and DataSHIELD nagios server are complete for Ubuntu
  • Documentation to set up  nagios client (at study) and DataSHIELD nagios server for centos are incomplete.


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