DataSHIELD extended practical answers -
The answers and suggested code below are for the extended practical session that allows you to implement basic DataSHIELD functions and interpret the results.
# load libraries library(opal) library(dsBaseClient) server <- c("study1", "study2", "study3") url <- c("http://XXXXXX:8080") table <- c("DASIM.DASIM1", "DASIM.DASIM2", "DASIM.DASIM3") logindata <- data.frame(server, url, user="administrator", password="datashield_test&", table) # login and assign the whole dataset opals <- datashield.login(logins=logindata, assign=TRUE)
Subsets and Statistics
- Calculate the mean and the variance of the continuous variable BMI of obese males.
# Check the levels of categorigal BMI (1=normal, 2=overweight, 3=obese) ds.levels('D$PM_BMI_CATEGORICAL') # Check the levels of gender (0=males, 1=females) ds.levels('D$GENDER') # Create a subset dataset that includes only the obese people ds.subset(x='D', subset='BMI_3', logicalOperator='PM_BMI_CATEGORICAL==', threshold=3) # See how many obese people are in each study ds.dim('BMI_3') # Create a subset dataset that includes only the obese males ds.subset(x='BMI_3', subset='BMI_3_males', logicalOperator='GENDER==', threshold=0) # Check how many obese males are in each study ds.dim('BMI_3_males') # Calculate the global mean and global variance of continuous bmi for obese males ds.mean('BMI_3_males$PM_BMI_CONTINUOUS', type = 'combine') ds.var('BMI_3_males$PM_BMI_CONTINUOUS', type = 'combine')
Answer: Question 1
The global mean and the global variance of BMI are 33.04723 and 6.134642 respectively.
Assign and Plots
Find the quantile mean and plot a histogram of pooled data for the exponent and for the logarithm of LAB_HDL measurement.
# Assign a new variable which gives the exponents of HDL ds.exp(x='D$LAB_HDL', newobj='exp_hdl') # Find the quantile mean of the exponents of HDL ds.quantileMean('exp_hdl') # Plot a histogram for the exponents of HDL ds.histogram('exp_hdl')
Answer: Question 2
Quantiles of the pooled data
5% 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 95% Mean
2.555388 2.922673 3.660593 4.727446 6.072125 7.653894 8.725955 5.066809
# Assign a new variable which gives the logarithms of HDL ds.log(x='D$LAB_HDL', newobj='log_hdl') # Find the quantile mean of the logarithms of HDL ds.quantileMean('log_hdl') # Plot a histogram for the logarithms of HDL ds.histogram('log_hdl')
Answer: Question 2 continued
Quantiles of the pooled data
5% 10% 25% 50% 75% 90%
-0.06384112 0.06994799 0.26052368 0.44043450 0.58983773 0.71059831
95% Mean
0.77301979 0.40754040
2-dimensional contingency tables
- What percentage of females (pooled data) are diabetics?
- What percentage of males in each study separately have stroke (DIS_CVA)?
# Produce a two dimensional table for the variables GENDER and # DIS_DIAB for combined data ds.table2D(x='D$GENDER', y='D$DIS_DIAB')
Answer: Question 3
1.57% of females (pooled data) are diabetics.
$counts $counts$`pooled-D$GENDER(row)|D$DIS_DIAB(col)` 0 1 Total 0 14830 158 14988 1 14777 235 15012 Total 29607 393 30000 $rowPercent $rowPercent$`pooled-D$GENDER(row)|D$DIS_DIAB(col)` 0 1 Total 0 98.95 1.05 100 1 98.43 1.57 100 Total 98.69 1.31 100 $colPercent $colPercent$`pooled-D$GENDER(row)|D$DIS_DIAB(col)` 0 1 Total 0 50.09 40.2 49.96 1 49.91 59.8 50.04 Total 100.00 100.0 100.00 $chi2Test $chi2Test$`pooled-D$GENDER(row)|D$DIS_DIAB(col)` Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction data: pooledContingencyTable X-squared = 14.769, df = 1, p-value = 0.0001215 $validity [1] "All tables are valid!"
# Produce a two dimensional table for the variables GENDER and # DIS_CVA for split data ds.table2D(x='D$GENDER', y='D$DIS_CVA', type='split')
Answer: Question 3 continued
The percentages of males having stroke are 0.82% in study 1, 0.80% in study 2 and 0.78% in study 3.
$counts $counts$`study1-D$GENDER(row)|D$DIS_CVA(col)` 0 1 Total 0 4955 41 4996 1 4979 25 5004 Total 9934 66 10000 $counts$`study2-D$GENDER(row)|D$DIS_CVA(col)` 0 1 Total 0 4956 40 4996 1 4970 34 5004 Total 9926 74 10000 $counts$`study3-D$GENDER(row)|D$DIS_CVA(col)` 0 1 Total 0 4960 36 4996 1 4976 28 5004 Total 9936 64 10000 $rowPercent $rowPercent$`study1-D$GENDER(row)|D$DIS_CVA(col)` 0 1 Total 0 99.18 0.82 100 1 99.50 0.50 100 Total 99.34 0.66 100 $rowPercent$`study2-D$GENDER(row)|D$DIS_CVA(col)` 0 1 Total 0 99.20 0.80 100 1 99.32 0.68 100 Total 99.26 0.74 100
Answer: question 3 continued
$rowPercent$`study3-D$GENDER(row)|D$DIS_CVA(col)` 0 1 Total 0 99.28 0.72 100 1 99.44 0.56 100 Total 99.36 0.64 100 $colPercent $colPercent$`study1-D$GENDER(row)|D$DIS_CVA(col)` 0 1 Total 0 49.88 62.12 49.96 1 50.12 37.88 50.04 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 $colPercent$`study2-D$GENDER(row)|D$DIS_CVA(col)` 0 1 Total 0 49.93 54.05 49.96 1 50.07 45.95 50.04 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 $colPercent$`study3-D$GENDER(row)|D$DIS_CVA(col)` 0 1 Total 0 49.92 56.25 49.96 1 50.08 43.75 50.04 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 $chi2Test $chi2Test$`study1-D$GENDER(row)|D$DIS_CVA(col)` Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction data: contingencyTable X-squared = 3.4559, df = 1, p-value = 0.06302 $chi2Test$`study2-D$GENDER(row)|D$DIS_CVA(col)` Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction data: contingencyTable X-squared = 0.34846, df = 1, p-value = 0.555 $chi2Test$`study3-D$GENDER(row)|D$DIS_CVA(col)` Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction
Generalized Linear Models
- Apply a generalised linear model that predicts the level of glucose between males and females. What is the predicted average level of glucose for males? What is this value for females?
- Apply a GLM to predict the level of glucose using gender and continuous bmi. How much the level of glucose is increasing with the increase of bmi by one unit? What is the predicted glucose level of a female with bmi=22?
# Apply GLM to find the linear relationship between # LAB_GLUC_FASTING and GENDER ds.glm("D$LAB_GLUC_FASTING ~ 1 + D$GENDER",family="gaussian")
Answer: Question 4
The relationship between glucose and gender is given by the formula:LAB_GLUC_FASTING=4.62223776-0.08929719*GENDER
For males, GENDER=0 and therefore their average level of glucose is 4.62223776
For females, GENDER=1 their average level of glucose is 4.62223776 - 0.08929719 = 4.532941
$formula [1] "D$LAB_GLUC_FASTING ~ 1 + D$GENDER" $family Family: gaussian Link function: identity $coefficients Estimate Std. Error z-value p-value (Intercept) 4.62223776 0.005806318 796.07035 0.000000e+00 GENDER1 -0.08929719 10.008208091 -10.87917 1.448816e-27 low0.95CI high0.95CI (Intercept) 4.6108576 4.63361793 GENDER1 -0.1053848 -0.07320963 $dev [1] 15157.85 $df [1] 29998 $nsubs [1] 30000 $iter [1] 3 attr(,"class") [1] "glmds"
# Apply GLM to find the linear relationship of LAB_GLUC_FASTING # with GENDER and PM_BMI_CONTINUOUS ds.glm("D$LAB_GLUC_FASTING~1+D$GENDER+D$PM_BMI_CONTINUOUS", family="gaussian")
Answer: Question 4 continued
The level of glucose related to gender and bmi is given by the formula:LAB_GLUC_FASTING=3.64750965-0.07493214*GENDER+0.03543909*PM_BMI_CONTINUOUS
While the level of bmi is increasing by one unit, the level of glucose is increasing by 0.03543909.
For a female (GENDER=1) with PM_BMI_CONTINUOUS=22, the level of glucose should be 3.64750965 - 0.07493214 * 1 + 0.03543909 * 22 = 4.352237
$formula [1] "D$LAB_GLUC_FASTING ~ 1 + D$GENDER + D$PM_BMI_CONTINUOUS" $family Family: gaussian Link function: identity $coefficients Estimate Std. Error z-value p-value (Intercept) 3.64750965 0.0237582722 153.525880 0.000000e+00 GENDER1 -0.07493214 0.0079817991 -9.387876 6.122208e-21 PM_BMI_CONTINUOUS 0.03543909 0.0008390991 42.234690 0.000000e+00 low0.95CI high0.95CI (Intercept) 3.60094429 3.6940750 GENDER1 -0.09057618 -0.0592881 PM_BMI_CONTINUOUS 0.03379449 0.0370837 $dev [1] 14307.08 $df [1] 29997 $nsubs [1] 30000 $iter [1] 3 attr(,"class") [1] "glmds"
# clear the Datashield R sessions and logout datashield.logout(opals)
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