Installing the testing framework

Installing the testing framework

Step 0 - Prerequesite

DataSHIELD must be installed. To install DataSHIELD, please, use these links.

Step 1 - Installing the virtual machines

The content of this section is going to written by the specialist …

Step 2 - Downloading the testing framework

A R package with no function and no description provides the folder structure required by the ``testthat” package. An example of a R Package should have the following folders (or directories). The root represent the name of the R package and three sub-folders should exists, those are man, R and tests.


Download or clone the DS.TestingFramework from the following repository. You should

Step 3 - Using the testing framework

To use the testing framework in a R package, there is several options:

Option 1 - A R project already exists

Copy the tests folder (see above) into the R package. It should look in the similar manner the above example.

Option 2 - A new R package

Create a new R package using R Studio. Copy the tests folder (see above) into your R project. It should look in the similar manner the above example.

Step 4 - Installing up to date R packages

To install the R packages required by the testing framework, type. the following R operations.


install.packages("testthat") install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("datashield/opal", force=TRUE) devtools::install_github("datashield/dsBaseClient", force=TRUE)


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