The R help function

The R help function

In R information about individual functions can be found on the function manual page including:

  • description: what the function does
  • usage: shows the syntax of the function including all arguments - this is a generalised form of how you would use the function
  • arguments: of the function. These are all the things you can customise in the function
  • details and values: give some additional information about the function
  • examples: of how the function is run. You will be able to copy and paste these examples into R/RStudio to run yourself

You can access the help page of a function in a number of ways

  • To open up the help page within R/RStudio using the help command :
# an example for print()

  • an equivalent command is to use the help operator ?:

  • In your script, type and run
print("Hello world")
#output below
> print("hello world")
[1] "hello world"

Information: Print()

According to the manual, the print command has the usage


where x is “Hello world”

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